Wednesday January 25, 2012 Turf Club Meeting
At tonight's meeting, we were introduced to the new "Turf Club Blog" by our webmaster Bryant. The site With this blog we will be able to post almost anything we want, related to the club of course, by emailing Bryant at The minutes will be posted on there along with other info related to events, GCSAA, STMA, and eventually scholarships.
STMA Conference Long Beach, California
Congratulations Nate Dammann, Ethan Dykstra, Matt Eishen, Adam Grimm, Kevin Hansen, Josh Lenz, Isaac Mertz, Dan Strey, and Barret Werner on placing 8th,10th (tie), and 23rd. Those who went to the conference and have not signed a thank you card for some donations given to the club to pay for hotel costs etc, see Dan ASAP to sign the cards.
GCSAA Conference 2012 Las Vegas, Nevada
Dates: Feb. 28- Mar. 2
If you are going to the conference and have not become a member to the GCSAA, do so as soon as possible. Student fee is as cheap as $30 for the year. Here is the link to do that:
If you are going to the Turf Bowl register for the Educational Conference as soon as possible as well. Must be a GCSAA member first. Here is the link to do that:
Study Sessions for the Turf Bowl are happening every Monday at 6:00 pm in room 0118 if open.
Scholarships Apply for these!!
GCSAA Essay Contest due March 31st. This is open to undergraduate and graduate students. $1000-2000. *Must be GCSAA Member
Scholars Competition due June 1st. Only open to undergraduates. Must have 24 credit hours completed. $500-6000. *Must be GCSAA Member
College of Ag and Life Sciences due Feb. 15. VERY EASY TO GET! Talk to Barb or Nick if you have and troubles. Link:
Here are some things to start thinking about for the future. Reiman Gardens App in mid April. These applications help bring in a lot of the money we use for the club. We have an idea for a Golf Outing in the spring with a cookout, bring up any other ideas you may having during the next meeting.
NEXT MEETING WILL BE FEB. 8TH AT 6:00. See you there.